Don't Give Up
People hold an incredible influence on our lives. When
someone takes notice of you, it means the world. When someone walks out of your
life, it feels like the world is ending. Years ago, a friend walked out of
mine, for seemingly no reason at all. There was no warning and no explanation.
It has shaped how I make friends and how I keep them. I am reluctant to allow
them in and it hurts to let them go. But through this all, I have seen how God
has used it. He has brought me to the point where I realized He was the only
friend I needed. He showed me that no one will be here forever. God has used
this one person to shape me, even without being a physical part of my life.
Just a few weeks ago, something absolutely incredible
happened. This friend is going to be getting married. In the midst of things,
we ended up seeing each other for the first time in years. She sat down and
apologized for everything. It took me completely by surprise. Through our years
apart, God has been doing an amazing work in her life as well. She has grown
into an incredible Godly woman and even though I haven’t met him, I know she is
marrying an awesome guy. Soon, we’ll be celebrating their wedding.
As I write this, it brings me to tears. I never imagined God
would bring us back to a friendship. Don’t give up on others. Most of all,
don’t give up on God. Even when things seem/are hopeless, He is ultimately in
control. God is weaving each thread through our tapestry, but we don’t see when
or where that thread will end.
Never underestimate the impossible. I am who I am, because
we were not friends. She is who she is, because we were not friends. We are who
we are, because we have an awe-inspiring God.
Don’t give up on God, because your story is not over. Never
underestimate the ONE who created you.
“And I am sure of
this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the
day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6
~Rachel Jackman
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