Learning: Food for Thought

What are you really learning? I finished up summer classes today and started to think about what I had learned this summer. I loved learning in my classes, but God was teaching me something other than baking most of the time. Here is just a little food for thought:

Finals. Summer finals. These words will make anyone who has had to take a summer class cringe. They are finals for classes that were about 1/3 shorter than a normal semester. Where else will you find a class that the final lab practical is worth 35% and the written final is worth 20% of your final grade? Think that through. 55% of your grade in two days. You better hope one of those isn’t an under par day. Unfortunately for me, one of those days was bad. However, God does have a purpose for everything. Do we always see it? No. Rarely do we see why immediately, sometimes we see it later on in life, often we never see it. This time, though, God decided to use this as a sort of slap to the face. I do not want to just pass, I want to thrive. I strive so hard to do and be the best I can be. I strive for perfection. There is one problem, only God is perfect. He used this to show me that I cannot be perfect, no matter how much I practice or how hard I try. God asks us to do our best for him, not be perfect. What I do doesn't define me, God is what should define me. I must always remember to ask this question. Am I doing everything I can for God or am I trying to be perfect for everyone else?

I met up with a friend today who I haven’t seen in nearly two months. While sharing about our lives, we soon realized that we were going through some of the same stuff and didn’t even know it. It was such an encouragement for me. I am learning that no matter how much I like time on my own, I need friends and family. I can’t live this crazy life without having some crazy people to make it more interesting. I have realized how blessed I am to have the people I have in my life. Sure we don’t always get along, but I know that there is always someone there for me no matter what. There is always a wealth of knowledge and advice to learn from, even those days I don’t want to hear it. Lately, this point has become more and more apparent. Take a moment and think about the people in your life. Do you realize how much you are loved? There are people out there who care for you. You aren’t alone. To all my family and friends, thank you for being there, supporting me, praying for me, and loving me. It really does mean the world to me.

Fear. Think about the last time you were scared. Scared of people, bugs, situations, the future, a job, school, what people think, etc. We all struggle with it. Today, while speaking with a friend, it suddenly hit me. I’m so incredibly freaked out about the future. With only having two classes left, there are so many questions about the future. I’m happy where I’m at, but life wasn’t created to stall in the same spot. I know it’s almost time to move to a new point in life, but I’m comfortable where I am. I don’t want to go through the struggles and hardships of starting something new. It made me think of a butterfly. They start as caterpillars, pretty content little creatures. But then they become wrapped in a cocoon, where they are fed and allowed to grow. However, eventually the cocoon must break open and the butterfly must emerge. It is a struggle, but without the struggling, a butterfly’s wings wouldn’t be strong enough to fly. Once it is free of the cocoon, the butterfly must spread its wings and fly. Right know, I feel as if I’m in a cocoon stage, but it’s starting to break. I don’t enjoy the struggles and I really don’t want to strengthen my wings. However, soon I will have to fly, there is no doubt. This butterfly will have to fly.
No matter what, don’t let fear hold you back. Go for it. You never know what God will teach you. Have no fear. He won’t let you down.

“… teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
~Matthew 28:20

If something I’ve said has struck a note with you, share this with someone else. You never know who might need some encouragement!



  1. We are so proud of you and so thankful you are learning the lessons God has for you! You are strong and will do well. We love you!
    Mom & Dad


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